васисуалий лоханкин в поисках варвары
в подтверждение новости — из блога риисы:
о замужестве
апд: перевод и ожидаемое известие: Riisa gave birth to a baby boy on the 4th of October. He is pretty small with just 2650g, but he is a genki baby! (ц)

We have decided to get married.
We met four years ago, and we became very good friends, there was a mutual respect for each other, we are sure that we can build a happy family, so we decided to get married.
Our password is BIG LOVE.
We will walk life with this important word.
Although we're still immature, we will give our best, please watch over us warmly
and from here on, please guide us.
Nakao Akiyoshi Naka Riisa

@темы: ссылки, новости