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Yankee-kun to Megane-chan ( ヤンキー君とメガネちゃん ) 2010

Rating: 8/10
Recommend: Yes, if you like Narimiya Hiroki. And yes, if you like gang-comedy story with a hint of romance.
Narimiya Hiroki as the lead actor?!? All the reasons to watch this drama.

Shinagawa Daichi (Narimiya) is a former good student who’s now a delinquent, while Adachi Hana (Naka Riisa) is a former delinquent who’s now a good student.
They soon know each other’s past and Adachi’s goal is to correct Shinagawa’s ways and make the school a peaceful place.
I looove the chemistry between Shinagawa and Adachi. As well as Shinagawa’s ‘UZE~’.
Hilchryme’s Loose Leaf is perfect for the ending song.
However, not a fan of Kanata Hongo, I find him annoying. Considering his role here is the antagonist, that means he’s a great actor, eh.
One flaw that I can think of would be the cliche gang problem ©

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@темы: отзывы, ссылки, фото: кадры, сериалы: Yankee-kun to Megane-chan (2010)