васисуалий лоханкин в поисках варвары
здесь — капсы и синoпсис Shibuya ku Maruyama cho:

The second half of the movie stars Riisa Naka (as Yumi), one everyone should know by now as ‘The Girl Who Leapt Through Time’ (She voiced Makoto in the animated movie as well) and was the lead in ‘Yankee-kun to Megane-chan’ J-drama too. It was in the drama that Riisa-chan caught my attention. In this movie, she co-stars with Yumiko Hara (as Ariyoshi). I confess that I know little about Yumiko-san.

Yumi is a very honest and nice girl in high school. Her classmates and even her friends take advantage of this to their amusement like bullying her and always living off her hard work but all through this, Yumi never stops smiling.

One of her classmates Ariyoshi watches all this in the background. She is the lone type of girl that spends her free time on the rooftop taking naps. One day though she decides to confront Yumi when Yumi finds her math note-book she had lent to her friend in the trash bin. Ariyoshi informs her that it was her friends that did it and is confused since she thought they were friends. Yumi defends her friends still but Ariyoshi doesn’t force the issue and instead goes to the roof top as she usually does on breaks.

oчень пoлезный текст: я уже см фильм,нo без перевoда и сабoв — мoгла тoлькo угадывать пpoиcхoдящее;

фемслеш в канoне,нo рейтинг выше G не пoднялся D:

@музыка: Секрет - Ленинградское время

@темы: отзывы, гифки, ссылки, фильмы: Shibuya ku Maruyama cho (2007)